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More Evidence about a Population Falling at Record Rate Jul 25th, 2024

Growing pollution has lowered hormones, sex drive and fertility in all humans by 60% over the last 70 yrs. Which is why we all need to assess our hormones, even teens and more so as we age, if we expect to keep our health declining precipitously. Lower hormones means lower...

Understanding the Hype Around Supplement Products A Critical Look Jul 17th, 2024

As Consumer Labs notes, "many supplements are marketed with exaggerated claims that lack substantial scientific backing." This overstatement can lead to wasted time and money for many individuals seeking genuine health improvements. CEHS, our Comprehensive Executive Health Services program is designed to optimize our patients' health, has helped many executives...

Melatonin’s Role in Metabolism and Health and Why Quality Matters Jul 15th, 2024

  We would like to share an interesting from our friends at Tally Health — Welcome to a New Age. How Lack of Sleep Leads to Weight Gain           How excess weight impacts our sleep    The relationship between sleep and weight management is bidirectional; insufficient...

Restoring Hormone Function and Oxygen Levels: Essential Steps for Full Recovery After TBI and Stroke Jul 2nd, 2024   Sure, keeping the patient at optimum function by restoring full oxygen should help logically, and does. See the large amount of studies using hyperbaric oxygen for TBI, and see us about why this is not enough: you have to restore hormone function, which is sorely depressed in 60%...

Optimize Your Health to Optimize Your Health to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Outcomes Jul 1st, 2024  

The Most Common Symptoms That Are Easily Misdiagnosed Jun 15th, 2024

Perimenopause and menopause are natural phases in a woman’s life, but their symptoms can often be confusing and sometimes misdiagnosed. Understanding these symptoms and how to track and improve hormone health can make this transition smoother. Many had no idea that there are over 30 symptoms that are,  Irregular periodsHot...

Perimenopause | What Young Women Need To Know May 15th, 2024

Our comprehensive guide on perimenopause and symptoms will help you in what you need to look for. As women, you often hear about menopause, but the period leading up to it, known as perimenopause, can bring about significant changes in your bodies that are worth understanding. Whether you're experiencing hot...

Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Strips May 2nd, 2024

In an effort to save lives and improve people’s wellbeing, SAMHSA is highlighting for grantees that federal funding may be used to purchase rapid fentanyl test strips and xylazine test strips for drug checking purposes in certain grant programs. Grantees of such programs should always check with their federal project officers...

Gut Instinct | Understanding the Gut-Hormone Symphony Apr 15th, 2024

The Gut-Hormone Link Research has shown that hormonal fluctuations can significantly impact digestive function. For instance, sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone have receptors throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, influencing its motility1. This is why conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) often see symptom severity tied to menstrual cycles1. Hormonal...


We are excited to announce an addition to our HOT service, specializing in comprehensive care primarily for women aged 35 and above dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). At our practice, we believe in empowering our patients to invest in their health by providing personalized, customized care that not only...

Unlock the Secret of Heartbeat Mysteries Feb 13th, 2024

In our latest exploration into well-being, we delve into the intricate connection between hormones and heart health. Unraveling the complexities, we aim to shed light on how hormonal imbalances can significantly impact cardiovascular well-being and, conversely, how maintaining hormonal equilibrium can be a powerful strategy for promoting a healthy heart....

Boost Your Libido : Optimizing Hormonal Health: Jan 15th, 2024

Whether you're aiming to navigate menopause gracefully or enhance vitality, these simple remedies can be applied immediately. Prioritize Quality Sleep Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep nightly. Quality sleep is a potent regulator of hormones, promoting balance and overall well-being. Create a relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your...

The Ultimate Guide to Winter Immunity Dec 15th, 2023

As Texas experiences two winters, our immune system confronts distinct challenges. The first winter brings colder temperatures and increased indoor time, fostering conditions favorable for virus spread. The second winter, characterized by low humidity and reduced sunlight, further impacts immune health. Understanding Winter's Influence on Immune Health Winter in Texas,...

Harmonious Health: Navigating Thyroid Harmony for Weight Wellness Nov 15th, 2023

Think of your thyroid as the maestro of your metabolism, setting the tempo for how your body burns energy. When things go out of tune, you might find yourself dancing to a slower beat and gaining weight or a faster, weight-shedding rhythm. These thyroid imbalances can lead to consequences in...

Tips for Nutrition and Mindful Eating | FREE Recipes Nov 14th, 2023

We’ve compiled some great healthy Thanksgiving ideas and advice to share with you to help you celebrate this year and feel good doing it! Tips for Nutrition and Mindful Eating Emphasize Portion Control One of the keys to a healthy Thanksgiving meal is portion control. Use smaller plates, so you...

Be SAFE this season! Oct 31st, 2023

Let's discuss safety tips for 2023, with a particular focus on the health considerations that should be emphasized to all of you and your children. Avoiding Illness Even in 2023, the COVID-19 pandemic is still a concern. As healthcare professionals, we encourage you to celebrate the holidays responsibly. This includes...

Balancing the Scales: Tackling Hormonal Hurdles on the Journey to Fertility Oct 16th, 2023

Let's explore how hormones can be harnessed as a valuable tool in mitigating the symptoms of these conditions, promoting reproductive health. Everything shared in this article is rooted in factual data and scientific research available up to September 2021.   The Hormonal Symphony   Hormones are the conductors of a...

Enjoy Healthy FALL Recipes Oct 1st, 2023

Eating well during the fall is crucial, you can explore the benefits of seasonal foods and we can show you an easy way to help you eat healthier in-between visits. Why Eating Healthy Matters in Fall 2023 Strengthening YOUR Immunity With autumn’s arrival comes sniffles season. Not to mention, the...

Demystifying Adrenal Health | Untangling Stress and Diagnosis Confusion Sep 15th, 2023

Have you ever wondered, "If adrenal fatigue isn't real, then what's causing my symptoms?" This question often arises due to the complex world of adrenal health. Picture small glands perched on top of your kidneys – these are your adrenal glands. They're like conductors of a hormone orchestra that manage...

WHAT IS HOT? Aug 15th, 2023

HOT is an acronym that we use for Health Optimization Therapy. Dr. Morris helps in optimizing your hormone levels so that you can have many benefits including increased energy, strength, ability to lose fat, and libido. Hormone optimization therapy helps restore natural hormone balance. It does so by introducing natural...

Unlocking the Healing Power Within: Reversing and Preventing Diabetes Naturally Jul 15th, 2023

The human body possesses an incredible ability to heal itself when provided with proper care and support, even when it comes to diabetes. Drawing inspiration from groundbreaking research, we unveil a natural approach to diabetes management and highlight the importance of lifestyle modifications that empower individuals to take control of...

Find Me In One Click On Other Platforms Jun 20th, 2023

It's an easy, one-click solution to staying up-to-date on the latest from our practice. Don't miss out - click now! You can also find me on social media platforms by choosing each icon after clicking the link below.  

Finding Hormonal Balance Jun 19th, 2023

Finding Hormonal Balance: Rapamycin in Hormone Therapy   As a doctor dedicated to improving the well-being of my patients, I am excited to discuss Rapamycin, a medication showing great promise in hormone therapy treatments. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of Rapamycin, helping you understand how it...

Enjoy Healthy Summer Recipes Jun 14th, 2023

This summer season presents an ideal time for you to encourage patients to make positive changes. Warm weather creates the perfect excuse for exercise and the light and bright flavors of the summer are a perfect way for patients to incorporate more fruits and vegetables on their plate. Traditional medicine...

You Are Not An Addict? May 15th, 2023

This label can carry a lot of harmful stigmas that make getting help harder, as it is often associated with criminal behavior and a lack of control. However, it's important to understand that narcotic chemical dependency is a medical condition, not a personal failure. It’s a physical problem, not a...

The Health Effects of Grief Apr 15th, 2023

It's important to stay in touch with our doctor during seasons of mourning and grief. Here are some of the ways that grief can affect our bodies and hormones, and why it's important to seek medical attention and support during this difficult time.  Here are some of the ways that...

Supplements | Do you know what they are doing for you? Mar 1st, 2023

Our custom Health Optimatization Therapy is personalized and the suggested or recommended Spectracell micronutrition assesment analyzes your bloodwork to identify any nutrient deficiencies or imbalances that may be negatively affecting your health.  Assess Spectracell’s Micronutrient Test (MNT) will tell you exactly the micronutrients in which a patient is deficient. It...

Put the “T” Back in Valentine's Day! Feb 10th, 2023

It’s commonly known that Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles, affecting your appearance, sexual development, sperm production, and sex drive; but there are other combined symptoms that may indicate a shift in your testosterone production as well. Men do not experience an instant drop in testosterone, but a...

COVID-19 Prevention Jan 15th, 2023

The Romans proved the power of zeolites and their benefits environmentally. Hydrolyzed “soluble” Zeolite solutions are capable of crossing cell membranes. This includes the GI tract, adipose, and tissue cells as well as the blood-brain barrier, central nervous system, and mitochondrial walls allowing these amazing particles to get into the...

Start Before The New Year & Reach Successful Results As Early As 3 weeks! Dec 15th, 2022

  We can help with you curb those unhealthy cravings if you are challenged making healthier choices.    Break free from unhealthy habits and take control of your health!   Don’t wait until the New Year to start accomplishing your goals because the longer you wait to start the more...

Realistically Reach Your Weight Goal in 21-days Nov 15th, 2022

Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Be Hard Struggling with weight loss, and not being able to stick to any diet or program in the past is not your fault! You are not to blame. Your body has been working against you by craving unhealthy foods and by feeling unmotivated and...

Dementia Oct 15th, 2022

Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures an annual report released by the Alzheimer's Association, reveals the burden of Alzheimer's and dementia on individuals, caregivers, government and the nation's health care system. • "1 in 3 seniors will die from Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia - Alzheimer's kills more individuals...

Get Rid Of Toxins and Chemicals by Doing This Twice A Day Sep 22nd, 2022

In 2017 University of Oxford economist Max Rosen released a study on global living conditions. Rosen’s research explored five key factors related to human well-being: poverty, literacy, health, freedom, and education. His conclusions were surprising, at least to some. In every category, humanity is substantially better off than we ever...

TRIM Fat With No Exercise Required Aug 15th, 2022

We are excited to help you reach your new health goals, and maintain the results! We have announced our new weight loss system that combines a very simple eating plan of approved vegetables and proteins with a full systemic cellular detox. It’s straightforward and easy-to-use system that results in an...

Post-Menopause HRT | Myths and Facts Jul 15th, 2022

Our natural hormones affect many things including: energy, libido, sleep and feelings of depression. During menopause, hormonal imbalances are commonplace, resulting in: Cardiovascular health issues Menopausal symptoms , such as hot flashes Decreased sexual function Chronic headaches Depression and more When those hormones are in decreased supply and low production,...

Long Term Narcotic Use Does This To Your Brain and Body Jan 23rd, 2020

Narcotics, such as oxycodone and fentanyl, are the most commonly prescribed class of medication in the United States. Also known as opioids, narcotics are used to relieve pain and are often prescribed for chronic pain, injuries, post-surgery relief, and advanced stages of cancer. Their high rate of use is not...

Telemedicine as an alternative to In-Person Appointments Jan 13th, 2020

Telemedicine allows patients to meet with their doctor on a more convenient basis via digital channels like video chat. For those in recovery, it represents a major step forward for patient confidentiality and convenience in receiving necessary care. “We’ve spent many years working with patients who have difficulty keeping up...

How We Can Better Protect Our Servicemen From Blast Injury May 28th, 2018

In every war, the wounded far outnumber those killed. Brain injuries are among the most common injuries in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2000, nearly 380,000 service members have suffered traumatic brain injury, also known as TBI.   At The Private Practice, we are committed to treating our...

What is Hormone Dysfunction Syndrome? Apr 25th, 2018

When you have an occasional hormonal imbalance, you can feel out of sorts and not like yourself. But, when your hormones aren’t functioning as they should for an extended period, and there’s no relief in sight, you may be suffering from Hormone Dysfunction Syndrome. Dr. Jerry Morris of The Private...

What You Should Know About Chronic Narcotic Use Mar 22nd, 2018

Narcotics, such as oxycodone and fentanyl, are the most commonly prescribed class of medication in the United States. Also known as opioids, narcotics are used to relieve pain and are often prescribed for chronic pain, injuries, post-surgery relief, and advanced stages of cancer. Their high rate of use is not...

The Link Between Head Injuries and Degenerative Brain Disease Mar 7th, 2018

Getting knocked in the head, either as a result of a car accident, sports injury, or fall can make you feel confused, dizzy, and nauseous. Depending on how hard your brain gets knocked against your skull, you may also experience a headache, blurred vision and may even lose consciousness. These...

Lifestyle Changes that Can Help Your PCOS Feb 5th, 2018

Your body is amazingly complex, with hundreds of microsystems that all work toward functioning as smoothly as possible to optimize your health. As with any complex system, success rides on balance at every level and when something throws off a balance in one area, the effects cast a wide net...

How to Beat the Cycle of Chronic Narcotic Use Oct 26th, 2017

What if the treatment for a condition ends up being worse than the original condition? Even more frightening, what if that treatment could end up being fatal even if the original condition didn’t bring such danger? It sounds outlandish, but it’s a real problem and one that more people are...

How to Optimize Your Health for a Long Life Sep 25th, 2017

Many people visit their doctor only when they’re not feeling well. While treatment for illness is, of course, important, your doctor has far more to offer to keep you healthy. If you want to lead a long and healthy life while reducing the risk for serious chronic illnesses, you should...

What You Should Know about Stem Cell Therapy Aug 28th, 2017

Chronic pain is one of the more difficult conditions a person has to live with. They tend to spring up from severe injuries earlier in life or years of overuse. They can range from rotator cuff problems to tendonitis. Often, they are difficult to treat. If you’ve been struggling with...

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for You? Aug 21st, 2017

Our bodies undoubtedly go through changes as we age. These changes can also take place sooner than one may think. Unfortunately, our bodies don’t retain the durability, function, and stamina that we have in our 20s. In fact, by our mid-30s, major changes begin to take place that can have...

Why Concussions Are More Complicated Than You May Realize Aug 21st, 2017

Even with tremendous advancements in medicine, our brains largely remain a mystery. This is especially true when it comes to the topic of concussions. For many years, concussions were unfortunately dismissed as something to shake off and then get back into the game. In recent years, the NFL has been...