Rapamycin Specialist

The Private Practice
Jerry W. Morris, DO
Preventive Medicine Specialist located in Southlake, TX
For years, researchers have known that rapamycin successfully extends the life of mice. Now its ability to boost cellular health and fight inflammation in humans is also acknowledged, as experts continue to verify rapamycin’s anti-aging benefits. At The Private Practice, Jerry W. Morris, DO is on the leading edge of regenerative medicine, offering innovative options like rapamycin to prevent age-related disease and help you live a longer life. To achieve your healthiest life at every age, call the office in Southlake, Texas, or book an appointment online. Dr. Morris also offers Telemedicine services
Rapamycin Q & A
What is rapamycin?
Rapamycin is a prescription drug that was first used to prevent organ rejection following kidney transplants. Before long, it inspired the production of similar drugs called analogs, or rapalogs, that slow down cancer growth.
At The Private Practice, however, Dr. Morris prescribes rapamycin for a very different reason: rapamycin also helps slow down the aging process and reduces systemic inflammation that leads to age-related health problems.
How does rapamycin affect your body?
There’s a specialized protein inside every cell in your body called mTOR, which regulates cell growth and affects cellular activities responsible for your overall health and aging. Rapamycin directly impacts your mTOR levels, improving your metabolism and creating healthy changes in cellular activity.
How does rapamycin support healthy cells?
During everyday metabolism, the cells in your body produce biochemical waste, and cellular components also become damaged over time. Your body naturally cleans up, either eliminating or recycling the waste.
When this cleaning process, called autophagy, runs smoothly, your cells stay young, energized, and healthy. But when it slows down, waste builds up and cellular degeneration and aging accelerate.
Rapamycin can help prevent waste buildup through its effect on your mTOR levels. As rapamycin inhibits mTOR, autophagy activity increases.
How does rapamycin reduce inflammation?
Rapamycin can alleviate system-wide inflammation the same way it improves cellular health, by inhibiting mTOR and promoting autophagy. Cellular waste triggers inflammation, so healthy autophagy that removes the waste prevents or reduces inflammation.
How does rapamycin promote longevity?
Studies show that a slowdown in autophagy can lead to premature aging. Cellular degeneration and inflammation cause damage that’s responsible for age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia.
Rapamycin may help prevent these problems by inhibiting mTOR, which counteracts mTOR’s negative effect on autophagy and cell growth. As a result, rapamycin promotes healthy cells, reduces inflammation, and may slow down aging. It has proven its ability to prolong longevity in the lab; for example, it helps old mice live 9-14% longer.
Experts have also discovered that rapamycin may directly prevent cellular damage by inhibiting other substances that create a toxic environment and trigger aging.
To learn more about how rapamycin is used off-label to help you live a longer, healthier life, call The Private Practice or book an appointment online.